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Yes, but…

Focus on “Do I want a bank loan from a Polish bank?” rather than “Can I get a bank loan in Poland as a foreigner?” The large interest rate differences between Poland and Belgium or The Netherlands explain this statement.

At this writing, Polish interest rates are far higher than those in Belgium or The Netherlands. Polish mortgage rates average 10%, while Belgian rates average 3.5%.

So, here’s something to consider important to consider when you make your choice, investing in your home country vs. investing in Poland: Residential real estate in Poland offers an attractive rental yield of up to 7% per year. Now, think about the borrowing rates, which sit at about 3.5% in Belgium or the Netherlands.

The math is pretty simple. As outsiders, we’re in a prime position to make some serious gains by investing in Polish real estate.

Always wanted to invest abroad? Look no further. Poland is definitely a good choice. Subscribe to our newsletter or contact us today for more information about upcoming investment opportunities.

Interest rates

10% vs. 3,5%

Rental yield

5% vs. 2,5%

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