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Hello, my name is Frederik Scherpereel. For those who don’t know me yet, I have been active with real estate in Poland for five years now. I have also started a cooperation with a very cool party in Croatia, more specifically in Istria, in the north of Croatia. The common thread in my story is that I always look for partnerships with people who can offer full-service rental management. That’s what this video is also about. Full-service rental management, rental.

What is a good rental? What is good management? And what do we look at when I look for my investors to find an interesting property investment abroad?In doing so, I focus on the market of short-term rentals. And in the market of short-term rentals there is quite a lot on offer of course, especially if you start looking abroad.Then that goes from Spain over Greece, Italy, France to Dubai and so on. What I have always found important in taking the step to invest in property in abroad is to have a party that can offer full-service rental management. So what is good rental management if you are going to rent abroad?

Do-it-Yourself or rely on a professional rental management company?

Initially, you have to ask yourself the question if you buy a property abroad to rent out and you want a nice return from it, whether you all the work to rent out your property in abroad, whether you are going to do it yourself, especially whether that you are going to use, Airbnb, you name it. Going to use all the websites and rent out directly to individuals abroad yourself. Or, a different way of working is, are you going to outsource that, are you going to work with a professional rental agency.

When I myself in my search for new projects wish to start a cooperation with an interesting party abroad, I first look at the letting aspect. Does that project developer have the ability to rent out your property? That is a very important aspect. Why? Because myself and my investors, we are at looking for a total concept to invest where I can

focus only on the returns. When I speak to investors, the word says it itself, they are effectively people who want to invest in real estate and are looking for a return. No, so that’s a very important aspect.


Because that for you too, when you invest in that way and start renting out, in other words, when you start renting out with a professional organisation on site, then you immediately create some very interesting tax advantages with your purchase. In most cases, with a small administrative operation, so to speak, you can then source The VAT you pay on your investment, in Poland 23%, in Croatia even 25%, you can recover it. Very important, rent with a professional rental agency.

Another aspect has to do with the question, where am I going to invest such that my rental return is maximum? And then of course it comes down to going to invest in regions where you don’t need to have your rental return two months on the year already, but where you can also rent in the mid-season and a bit in the low season in addition to the high season. And then it becomes, let’s be honest, already a bit more challenging to start finding the right location. That’s why, in talking to my partners abroad, both in Poland and in Croatia, I also talked about what is your vision and what is your strategy if you are going to rent someone’s property from abroad here locally on the market? How do you guys see that? How can you ensure that it is not just about two months a year in the high season, when the weather is nice, but that there is also potential to rent out in the low season, if necessary. And that is possible, because in the end it is always about the same thing.

It’s about marketing

And you can go very passive letting and say, yes, In the summer months people do come themselves, so for the rest we’re not going to care. Or you can have a very good marketing strategy as an exploitation company, as a rental company. And then in the middle, but especially in the off-season, you’re going to start focusing on companies. Are you going to start focusing on companies. Are you going to start focusing on associations, are you going to start focusing in other words on a totally different market and are you going to tap into a totally different potential and of course we very much like to hear that as investors.

Let’s meet

If you yourself are looking today to invest in property abroad and you are looking very specifically for residential property that can be let short term, I invite you to schedule a meeting.

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